Contact Customer Service

Use this contact form if:

  • You are an end consumer who has purchased a product involved in a promotion.
  • You are an end consumer enquiring about a promotion claim.
  • You are an end consumer who has been referred to Opia by a partner regarding a promotional claim.
  • You are expecting a ‘free gift’ from a promotion
I need to speak to customer service

Contact Sales & Marketing

Use this contact form if:

  • You are looking to run a sales promotion with Opia.
  • You are looking to learn about how sales promotions can positively impact your brand.
  • You would like a free consultation on what Opia could do for your business.
  • You have a press enquiry or question for the marketing team.
I need to speak to Sales & Marketing

Do not use this form if you are an end consumer who has participated in a promotion.